Freya’s Blog
Here, I have added several interesting articles on a variety of subjects close to my heart. Feel free to read them and let me know your thoughts and comments if you’d like to start a dialogue.
The Occult War
Various causes have been adduced to explain the crisis that has affected and still affects the life of modern peoples.
Odinic Mysteries of Evolution
An overview of the historical development, an evaluation of the present and an exploration of a probable future.
Troth to the Aesir
Written in answer to the various comments through the years that I, Freya Aswynn am not Asatru but Wiccan.
The Way of the Old English Witch. I would like to clear up some misconceptions about wiccecraft that you may find interesting
Heathen Metaphysics
The ancient Norse Shaman God and powerful one-eyed sorcerer called Ódhinn sacrificed the mundane self of his ego upon the tree of Yggdrasil.
Tolkien and the Northern Tradition
Tolkien’s love for the literatures and languages of the English and the Norse) was the guiding light of his career and his life.
Making a Personal Connection with Divinity
What is the Divine and how do you connect with it? The Divine can be best understood as the All That Is, Was, and Shall Be.
Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson
With fond memories of Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson, the son of the farmer Beinteinn Einarsson and Helga Pétursdóttir.