The Occult War

The Occult War

Excerpt from “Men Among the Ruins” by Julies Evola. Various causes have been adduced to explain the crisis that has affected and still affects the life of modern peoples: historical, social, socioeconomic, political, moral, and cultural causes, according to...
Odinic Mysteries of Evolution

Odinic Mysteries of Evolution

An overview of the historical development, a evaluation of the present and an exploration of a probable future. This is entirely my interpretation, realisations and speculation. Modern Odinism is much more than a Viking Age religion it’s roots stretch back into...
Black Sun

Black Sun

The author Peter Wilberg is welcome to email me if he wants it removed. Until he does so I assume permission is granted by default. Black Sun The Occult Power within All That Is Peter Wilberg 2004   This essay forges an inner link between the ‘The New Gnosis’...


  Wiccecraeft Way of the Old English Witch Essential Facts I would like to clear up some misconceptions about wiccecraft that you may find interesting: The word “witch” came from the Old English wicc(pronounced witch because in Old English two c’s are pronounced...
Heathen Metaphysics

Heathen Metaphysics

  THE LORD OF THE RUNES. The ancient Norse Shaman God and powerful one-eyed sorcerer called Ódhinn sacrificed the mundane self of his ego upon the tree of worlds known as Yggdrasil so that he could acquire a deeper understanding of his Shamanistic potential. In...
Tolkien and the Northern Tradition

Tolkien and the Northern Tradition

Tolkien and the Northern Tradition by Kveldulfr Gundarsson J.R.R. Tolkien was a Professor of Anglo‑Saxon at Oxford for twenty years and, for some time thereafter, a Professor of English Language and Literature (his specialization was the West Midland dialect of Middle...