The Book Of Thule by Bernard King


Thule was the spiritual homeland of the Nordic and Germanic peoples, and also of other, possibly more noticed if not more notable, branches of mankind such as the ancient Greeks. At some point in this planet’s comparatively recent history Thule and Hyperborea “vanished” from the face of the earth. The loss of these locations as “physical places”, however, did not eradicate the influence which they have exercised over both the entire world and the Northern nations.

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Thule was the spiritual homeland of the Nordic and Germanic peoples, and also of other, possibly more noticed if not more notable, branches of mankind such as the ancient Greeks. At some point in this planet's comparatively recent history Thule and Hyperborea "vanished" from the face of the earth. The loss of these locations as "physical places", however, did not eradicate the influence which they have exercised over both the entire world and the Northern nations.