The Runes
Freya’s Runes Course
Hidden within the runes lies the path which leads to initiation into the Northern Mysteries.
Freya Aswynn, dedicated priestess of Odin, author of “The Leaves of Yggdrasil“, “Northern Mysteries and Magick“, and “The Principles of the Runes“, has developed her long-awaited correspondence course designed to train the student in the Northern Mysteries.
This course begins from the ground up, starting the student at the most basic level of learning about the runes and magic.
About The Course
Although you may be familiar with some of the early material already, the initiatory process outlined here demands that you begin at the beginning, so that not only your conscious awareness, but every level of your being – from your earthly body through which your chanting resonates – to the highest aspects of your soul, will become deeply steeped in the magical patterns of the runes and accustomed to their energies.
Only such a thorough process makes it possible to use the runes to their fullest – as the holy keys to the magical realms of the North, through which the Nine Worlds may be perceived and their might drawn upon and shaped by the runester.“
The course will be presented in 9 Lessons each taking approximately one to two months to work through if done so in a consistent daily pattern. I now have the time to be your personal supervisor and teacher, I will oversee your work, and offer comments and suggestions along the way. Most of the relevant study materials in the form of attachments will be supplied with the lessons, including parts of the Edda’s Sagas.
At the current time, the course is limited to 100 people; signing up now will ensure you have Freya Aswynn as your teacher. Once you have completed the course you can volunteer to supervise new students. For those suitable candidates, an ‘initiation’ ceremony is being considered, however this is not a guarantee as it depends on each individual student and must be sanctioned by Odin.
Course Fees
Each of the nine lessons costs $25.00. Visit the Shop page or click the button below to purchase and download your chosen lessons.